Crowns Vs. Bridges Vs. Implants: Which Is Right for Me?

Dentistry is one of the world's oldest medical professions. For instance, the Chinese had dental bridges made of bamboo over 4,000 years ago. People have been trying to fix the problem of missing teeth for a long time. The effectiveness of dental procedures has improved significantly over that time, and our techniques and technologies have changed tremendously.


Nowadays, missing or broken teeth are not something you should worry about—it is easy to find several options to fix the issue. The main options available are crowns, bridges, and implants. These techniques are different, but dentists can use them to resolve similar problems.


If you have a broken tooth or you are missing a tooth, read on to learn more about the options available to you.




What Is a Dental Crown?


Dental crowns are an effective dental treatment for various dental issues. It has a high success rate compared to some other treatments. Dentists will use crowns to restore the aesthetics and functionality of teeth damaged by decay or trauma. A dental crown is a cap usually made of porcelain that goes on top of the damaged tooth.


When Do Dentists Use Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns can be very versatile regarding the number and types of issues they can correct. Dentists can use dental crowns to support severely damaged teeth or to protect the tooth from wearing away much further.


They use dental crowns to protect a tooth after performing a root canal. They may use a crown to hold a broken tooth together, restore its strength, and improve a tooth's color or shape. Crowns are also used to cover dental implants.




What Are Bridges?


Bridges are dental treatments that employ the idea of a bridge to fix some dental issues. Dentists commonly use them to replace missing teeth. They are especially effective when the adjacent teeth are still healthy. They comprise a false tooth or teeth attached to adjacent permanent teeth. The false tooth or teeth replace the missing teeth.


When Do Dentists Use Dental Bridges?


Dentists have been using dental bridges for the longest time. The advantage of bridges is that they are more affordable than other missing tooth options. They are effective for both the front and back teeth. They can also work to replace multiple teeth simultaneously. Usually, the dentist may need to file down the permanent teeth to allow them to attach the false tooth.




What Are Implants?


Implants are artificial roots that dentists usually embed into the jawbone to replace missing teeth. After they place the root, the gums and bone grow around and through it to anchor it in place. They are made of titanium that bonds well with natural bone. When the implant bonds successfully, the dentist places a crown on it.


When Do Dentists Use Implants?

Implants do not affect neighboring teeth; they only replace the missing tooth. Dentists can use several implants to replace a series of missing teeth. When replacing several missing teeth, implants may employ bridges. After getting an implant, you can floss and brush as you would with natural teeth. Implants are more expensive and take longer to get done, but they last the longest.


For more information on crowns, bridges, and implants, contact Wanlass Dental at our office in Las Vegas, Nevada. Call (702) 367-4412 to book an appointment today.

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